Preston Main Library (Harris Museum)

Preston Main Library (Harris Museum)

Preston Main Library (Harris Museum)

How to find Preston Harris library

Preston Harris library is in the Preston District.
Other libraries in the area

Directions to Preston Harris

The address is:
Market Square

Contact Preston Harris library

Telephone: 01772 532676

Community History: 01772 532668

Fax: 01772 555527

Library Email:

The address is:
Market Square

Preston Harris’ Opening hours

Day Open from Open until
Monday 09:30 19:30
Tuesday 09:30 17:00
Wednesday 09:30 19:30
Thursday 09:30 17:00
Friday 09:30 19:30
Saturday 09:30 17:00
Sunday 11:00 16:00


What’s on at Preston Harris

What’s happening at the Preston Harris Museum library?

See a list of Preston
Harris library events
on our Community
Information website

It is advisable to contact the library prior to attending events. Some events have limited ticket numbers, and it may be important to book to avoid disappointment.

If you have attended a library event, you can fill in our feedback form to tell us what you thought of the event and help us improve how we do things.

History of Preston Harris

Building work on the Harris library began in October 1883. The ceremonial opening took place the 26 October 1893 with the Earl of Derby. The actual opening followed on the 1st January 1894. The Harris library replaced a library service housed in the Town Hall. This had opened on 1st Jan 1879. Preston Borough Council administered the library until 1974, and it still administers the museum and art gallery which share the same building. The building is substantially unaltered, but internal refurbishments and alterations have taken place, as new services have been introduced. The entrance has been remodelled to improve wheelchair access, in the form of two circular ramps that surround classically inspired, sculpted cylinders by Ian Hamilton Finlay.

Preston Harris facilities and stock

Facilities at Preston Harris Library

People’s Network
Preston Harris Library is live on the People’s Network. It has 52 PCs connected to the People’s Network.
Public Wi-Fi
This library does not have public wi-fi available.
Car Parking
There is parking at the Guild Hall car park. 6 disabled parking spaces in Jacson Street at side of the library,
but not specifically for the library.


  • Public Toilets: Yes
  • Disabled Toilets: Yes, on the ground floor

Disabled Access

  • Disabled Entrance: The main entrance
  • Disabled Ramp: The main entrance
  • Minicom: No
  • Telly talk: No
  • Sign language: Staff available
  • Induction Loop: No
  • Lift: Yes

Public Telephone: No

Public Fax: No

Photocopier for public use: In the learning centre and in the community history

Stock at Preston Harris Library

  • Preston Harris Language material
    • Spoken Word: Yes
    • Language Sets: Yes

Music & Film at Preston Harris Library

  • Music Cassettes: No
  • Music CDs: Yes
  • Films – Video Cassettes: No
  • Films – DVDs: Yes
  • CDRoms: Yes
  • Games/Jigsaws: No

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